Making homemade yogurt. I like to use a half gallon, but everything is exactly the same if you are making a whole gallon of milk. For this recipe you will need a little leftover yogurt (not sweetened or flavored) of the variety you like. You’ll need some whole milk, I use a half gallon, but as much as you need. For the yogurt I use Greek yogurt because I like it and it works well. Other things you might need: some cheese cloth, a large pot, a big bowl/container to hold the yogurt, a colander and a spoon/ladle. Step one, heat up the milk in the pot just until it is about to boil but not boiling. Then turn off the heat. Use the ladle (or spoon) to put a little bit of the milk into the bowl. Wait for it to cool off then mix in the leftover yogurt. Wait until the rest of the hot milk is no longer hot then mix it all together. By now everything should be all in one bowl. Put a towel or something over the top, then I just put it somewhere out of the way. Other recipes suggest leaving it in the oven, but I tried that once and it failed. Leave it alone to work, somewhere warm (just like rising bread) for at least 24hrs (I’ve forgotten mine for 48hrs), then store for the eating. This is the part where we can get all fancy. I spoon mine into a colander lined with cheesecloth and let it drain in the fridge for another 24 hrs. That makes it thicker like Greek or Icelandic style yogurt. The clear liquid that accumulates on the top is whey. It is very high in protein, calcium, and potassium and more. I like to mix this into my dog's food as an extra bonus treat and he loves it. I also save it for protein smoothies and the like.
Yogurt Recipe
Updated: Jan 14